Stick to these two things every day, and your luck will get better and better.

In fact, there are traces of one's good fortune.

When a person often adheres to some habits of doing things, it can make our life more regular and more continuous, thus slowly improving our luck.

And the behavior of improving luck is mostly hidden in these two good habits.

You might be better off without complaining.

Occasionally wandering in the community, chatting with the neighbors about the parents' short stay, we will find that our lives are full of complaints.

For example, the traffic is really heavy today. Being late for work has affected the mood of the day. For example, the bear child has got into trouble again, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is not harmonious, the husband is not considerate enough, and so on.

This reminds me of a short story:

One day, a crow was flying desperately in the sky. On the way, he met a pigeon and stopped to have a rest.

The pigeon asked the crow with great concern, "Brother Crow, where are you going?"

The crow replied angrily, "Pigeon, people in this place think my voice is bad, so I want to fly somewhere else."

After hearing this, the pigeon advised the crow:

Raven man, if you fly somewhere else, there will still be people who hate you. If you don't change your voice and image, you won't necessarily be welcomed anywhere.

If a person does not reflect on himself often and will only blame others and the environment, he will, like this crow, will not be welcomed anywhere.

Everyone's life can not be plain sailing, life may encounter setbacks everywhere, everyone needs to complain and relieve the pressure of life.

However, once complaining forms a habit and a mode of thinking, you lose your sense of responsibility and mission in life.

Not only that, you will not feel the joy of life and the happiness and happiness brought by your own growth.

Opportunity is luck, the more opportunities, the more luck! For a man who is always complaining, luck slips through his fingers.

Learn to let go, life will be plain sailing

It is said that life is too short, only 30,000 days and nights. It is said that the rest of life is too fast, one is old before he is young.

In this limited time, we often feel unhappy. But when you learn to let go, the whole world will be gentle to you.

There is nothing in the world to worry about. We always feel unhappy because we are too obsessed to let go.

There is a love story in The Demi-Gods & Semi-Devils:

Tianshan grandma and Li Qiushui are sisters of the same teacher, and they both fell in love with the handsome Wuyazi.

In order to fight for the love without cliffs, they turned against each other and killed each other.

From green girls to white-haired old women, they indulge in love and struggle for decades.

It was not until the end that they learned that the one who loved without Yazi was not the two of them, but the younger sister.

At that moment, decades of reluctance, grievance and resentment gushed out, and they finally realized that they were really stupid.

The two hugged each other and laughed, let bygones be bygones, and learned to let go at the last moment of their lives.

Instead of wasting time on entanglement and pain, learn to let go and let go, and your eyes will suddenly be enlightened.

As soon as I put it down, I feel at ease. To let go is not only to let others go, but also to let go of yourself.

When people are at peace of mind, both smile and state are the best in body and mind, so don't worry about good luck.

People are born, walk in the world once, although in a hurry, but do not waste your life. Everyone should work hard and be a serious person. The world is a beautiful place.

What you do and what you achieve complement each other compared with what nature and society give you.

Keep doing these two things and believe that your luck will get better and better.

You are at your best, and of course you can mobilize your full potential and bring a lot of energy, which is the main reason why good luck is with you.

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