Those who speak like this, please don't be close friends.

Many people think that first impressions are important when they know someone, because appearances are a person's resume.

The first half of this sentence is correct, but the second half is slightly ambiguous, because clothing is related to aesthetics and materials, but conversation is related to personal cultivation.

Many people wear good clothes and are dressed brightly, but as soon as they open their mouths, their first impression collapses.

There were also some people who, although they didn't have any outstanding features on the outside, had an ordinary face, but they could leave a good impression on others.

What kind of person you are is completely revealed at the moment you open your mouth. Every word you say is your second business card.

Therefore, speaking is an art. When a person opens his mouth to speak, what he says and how he speaks determines whether he can continue to be close.

Meet the following kinds of people, if you can't stay away, don't make friends.

a blabbermouth

As the saying goes: disease enters from the mouth, disaster comes from the mouth.

Everyone understood the truth, but it was not uncommon for people to talk freely and run trains.

They often say that they are outspoken, say what they have, are more open-minded, and can't hide things in their hearts.

But these arguments are just a cover, just to put on a high hat for themselves.

They express their feelings in the first place, and this is the result of no thought at all.

When Zeng Guofan was young, he barely entered the Hanlin Academy after many examinations. He didn't want others to think that he had shallow knowledge when he first entered the officialdom.

So young and vigorous, he deliberately showed off himself in front of his colleagues and spoke without thinking.

Once his colleagues invited him to a banquet, at the wine table, he used self-righteous humor to tease his colleagues to marry concubines, and finally broke up in discord.

Later, Zeng Guofan apologized to his colleagues, but his colleagues did not see him behind closed doors.

From then on, Zeng Guofan set three rules for speaking: First, he could not be self-righteous. Second, think twice before you speak. Third, never speak fast.

The most important thing in adult communication is comfort, and people who talk freely will only bring discomfort.

We are all adults, will not blindly tolerate those uncomfortable jokes and bad words.

To speak directly and say what is there is in this way will not please anyone.

Therefore, those who speak freely should not be close friends.

A liar.

In life, the most annoying people are those who lie.

Because what they say can't be believed at all, and you're always struggling with which of his sentences is true and which is false.

When he is angry, whether he is true or false, he has not treated you sincerely.

Once a friend of mine started a business. He said he knew many big companies, had many resources and had many projects.

After he founded the company, he invited me to work in their company. He promised me a lot, and I reluctantly agreed.

However, after he went there, he realized that he had a lot of so-called resources. He only met two company managers at the wine table.

He knew a lot of big companies, but only knew them. All the projects he took on sounded unreliable.

So I cut the Gordian knot and found a reason to leave. At that time, he still thought I had no long-term vision.

A few months after leaving his company, I heard that he was behind on a lot of people's wages and that the company couldn't go on.

This kind of person with a mouth full of trains likes to make promises that will not be fulfilled at all. He loves to brag and often reveals himself.

If a person refuses to reveal his true feelings, then you don't have to treat him sincerely. Sincerity is the basis of communication, the kind of people who do not have a few words of truth, early to see early good.

A life, who enters your life, is determined by fate, but who can stay in your life, is determined by you.

May you be treated gently by the world and meet friends worthy of deep friendship.