What is your best capital? (good text in depth)

Your best capital is a good state of mind.

The philosopher said: your mind is your true master.

A great man said: either you control life, or life controls you. Your mindset determines who is the mount and who is the jockey.

One artist said: you can't extend the length of life, but you can expand its width; you can't change the weather, but you can control your mood; you can't control the environment, but you can adjust your mindset.

The Buddha said: things change with the heart, the environment is created by the mind, and troubles are created by the heart.

Dickens said: a sound mind is more powerful than a hundred kinds of wisdom.

Emerson said: for a man who moves toward his goal forever, the whole world makes way for him.

Although these words are simple, they are classic and incisive, and there is no doubt that what kind of mental state a person has will produce what kind of life reality. Just like in business, the more capital you invest, the more profits you will make in the future.

In life, a good attitude can make you optimistic and open-minded; a good state of mind can make you overcome the suffering you face; a good state of mind can make you indifferent to fame and wealth and live a truly happy life. Thousands of years of human civilization tells us that a positive attitude can help us obtain health, happiness and wealth.


Mindset determines life.

A philosopher once said: your state of mind is your master. In real life, we can't control what happens to us, but we can control our mindset. We can't change others, but we can change ourselves.

In fact, there is not much difference between people, the real difference lies in the state of mind. Therefore, whether a person is successful or not mainly depends on his state of mind.


It is better to be angry than to be angry.

There are ups and downs in life, it is impossible to have adversity everywhere; there are peaks and troughs in life, and troughs are impossible everywhere. It is a shallow life to be arrogant because of prosperity or peak, and depressed because of adversity or trough.

In the face of setbacks, if you just complain and get angry, then you are doomed to be weak forever.


Only when you have confidence can you win.

Through the ages, many people have failed, not because of incompetence, but because of lack of self-confidence. Self-confidence is not only a kind of strength, but also a kind of motivation. When you are not confident, it is difficult for you to do things well; when you do nothing well, you are even less confident.

This is a vicious circle. If you want to extricate yourself from this vicious circle, you have to fight against failure and build up solid self-confidence.


The heart needs more action.

Action is not as good as action. Although action may not be successful, it will not succeed without action. Life will not reward you for what you want to do, nor will it reward you for what you know, but for what you have done.

A person's goal starts from a dream, a person's happiness is grasped from the state of mind, and a person's success is achieved in action. Because only action can nourish the food and spring water of your success.


A normal heart is indispensable.

Life can not be plain sailing, there are successes, there are failures; there are happiness, there are losses. If we take these ups and downs in life too seriously, then life will never be calm for us, there will never be laughter.

Life should have something to pursue, but not getting it for a while will not hinder the happiness of daily life. Therefore, having an ordinary heart is an indispensable lubricant in life.


Only when you give up at the right time will you get a harvest.

Sometimes you have to have it in your life, but don't force it all the time. Don't force things that don't belong to you, learn to give up at the right time. Maybe when you work hard, you will get what you wanted but didn't get, and there will be unexpected gains at this time.

Giving up at the right time is a kind of wisdom. It will make you more sober to examine your internal potential and external factors, and will adjust your tired body and mind to become a happy and wise person.

It is better to give up than to persist blindly. Those who struggle to retain the sunset are fools, and those who mourn the spring for a long time are fools. People who are reluctant to give up tend to lose more precious things. At the right time, give yourself a chance and learn to give up before you can get it.


Tolerance is a virtue

As the saying goes: take a step back and let some peace of mind. This means that tolerance is needed between people. Tolerance is a virtue that enables a person to be respected.

Tolerance is a good medicine, it can save a person's soul. Tolerance is like a bright lamp, which shines brightly in the dark and illuminates every soul.


Learn to untie the mind

The human mind is fragile and needs constant encouragement and comfort. Often self-motivation, self-praise, will make the soul extremely happy.

To learn to untie the mind is to create a warm harbor for yourself, and often go in to massage your busy and tired mind, so that all parts of the soul are often maintained and maintained.


Don't treat setbacks as failures.

A person's life will inevitably suffer setbacks and failures.

The difference is that losers always treat setbacks as failures, so that every time they can deal a deep blow to his courage to win, while winners never say defeat, in the face of setbacks again and again, they always say to themselves: I have not failed, but I have not succeeded yet.

A person who loses temporarily, if he continues to work hard and intends to win back, then his defeat today is not a real failure. On the contrary, if he loses the courage to fight again, he really loses.


Avoid worrying into heart disease.

In real life, people who worry all day long actually do not encounter too many misfortunes, but are rooted in the inner world of the worriers.

Therefore, when troubles come, we should neither complain nor give up. We should learn to untie the mind, adjust ourselves from psychological adjustment, and prevent troubles from turning into heart disease.


Happiness is actually very simple.

Some people say that happiness is the flowers in spring, the shade in summer, the wild fruit in autumn, and the flying snow in winter. In fact, happiness is all around us.

A knowing smile, a sincere handshake, a heart-to-heart conversation, is a very happy thing!