Time is an invisible gold mine

Time is an invisible gold mine, those who are good at digging treasure always come back with a full load, and those who are not good at digging treasure are always empty-handed. On their deathbed, empty-handed people always complain that God has not given them good luck. Do you not know that he did not understand to his death that time is an invisible gold mine? On the other hand, those who are good at digging are always cherishing time, racing against time, reading books when they are supposed to read, and learning when they are supposed to study. On his deathbed, he always felt that he had not come to this world for nothing.

On the deathbed, one complains, one is satisfied, and there are two kinds of attitudes. Why? Obviously, this is determined by people's common values. People are different from things and will always be satisfied with the desire of mouth and stomach. When people leave their names, wild geese leave their voices, which is the trend of people. When the ancients said that people were dying, their words were also kind. No one is unwilling to leave a little thought for the world that once lived and missed. Mencius said that everyone can be Yao and Shun, that is, everyone has compassion and kindness. Since everyone has the heart to be a sage, why are there so great differences between people? It depends on their attitude towards time.

Time is an invisible gold mine. Some people see it, others don't see it; those who see are obsessed with reading, doing things, keeping pace with the sages, and pursuing the supreme realm of life; the unseen people shout all day long, argue more about less, worry about gain and loss, and live in depression. Do you not know that a precious gold mine around you has been abandoned! Maybe some of them saw it, but they only dug in for a while and then gave up. I do not know is afraid to bear hardships, or in the vast mine can not see when to rise, the final loss of confidence, no longer pursue. Maybe some people get some temporary benefits, be satisfied with the status quo, but can't stand the loneliness of digging, and finally give up altogether. Of course, there are some opportunistic people who spend their whole lives looking for shortcuts to success in life, but end up empty-handed and accomplish nothing. In the end, there are other people who are simply the image of fools, moving forward in the dark, groping in the twists and turns, and the gold mine of time is becoming more and more prominent under their management.

Perhaps they have lived alone, suffered and suffered, because the days of digging will not be so breezy and cloudy, just as young silkworm chrysalis struggle in the dark cocoon. Such a day will be difficult, no more people are willing to endure, they would rather kill time, playing cards, drinking, gambling, playing games and so on, in order to kill extra time. Time is worthless in their eyes, just like waste paper that can be thrown away at hand. they abandon the invisible gold mine of time, but still complain that God does not favor themselves.

Time is an invisible gold mine, history and experience show us that only those who are good at digging will turn this invisible gold mine into an invisible gold mine; time is an invisible gold mine, and history and common sense tell us that only those who are not good at digging can make this invisible gold mine disappear completely from the world. In the end, the disciple left behind a lament and sadness.

Author: Guo Junping