
Hey guys, In this thread I am presenting my 2835 FUE procedure with doctor 。 My surgery took place in January over the course of 2 days。





I am 25 years old。 Mainly active on other forums like Good hair Forums , hairlosshelp, hairlosstalk and stopaga under the same username。 Been around for like 2 years on these forums。 What started as a search to explore my possibilities of battling androgenetic alopecia it also became an interest for me。 As much that after finishing a degree in economics I started a study in bio science。 I am working on a paper for the NCBI about AGA & senescence currently。

我今年25岁,我主要是用同一个用户名活跃在像金毛囊论坛, hairlosshelp, hairlosstalk, and stopaga这样的论坛上。我大概在这些论坛上呆了两年多吧。我开始这段经历是为了寻找对抗雄性激素脱发的可能性,同时它也成为我的一个兴趣。更像完成经济学学位后,我开始在生物科学研究。我目前致力于获取NCBI证书,它是关于AGA以及衰老的。

Nonetheless, aside from that obviously the journey began primary to reverse my baldness。 I managed to maintain and regrow a bit using compounds, while I was definitely happy with that it wasn’t enough。 I wanted a better hairline and so did I chose to go for a FUE treatment。


Arrival 1st day;


Arrival in Beijing green lotus seed hospital


2nd day;


Was woken up quite early like 6:30 AM and a nurse came in to take blood of me。 They measure your blood for around different values to make sure you are healthy etc。 Then later I was supposed to have surgery that day but Muslum came to me that there was a problem。 The problem was that a very good friend of Dr。 Hakan Doganay passed away and if we could re-schedule my operation。 I was fine with that, they gave me 2 options either do a 2x a session in one day。 So extract half of grafts the first session, implant them take a break and then resume with the other half。 This would still cope with my request of having the grafts stay the minimum time outside of the body。 Or they gave me an option to stay 1 day longer and they would obviously compensate the new tickets I had to book。 I chose for the first option。 Dr。 Hakan Doganay also drew my hairline this morning and said I needed 2500 grafts。 I had enough donor but I have quite fine hair in the donor area, which I already knew。 Dr Hakan Doganay doesn’t really speak good English but Muslum always made sure every question or request I had was translated correctly。


So there I was expecting to have my surgery that day, but unfortunately that wasn’t possible anymore。 Muslum came to me and said don’t worry I’ll show you around Antalya today。 He picked me up at like 12AM at my room and we went on a tour through Antalya。 The weather was like 17 degrees really lovely。 We had a drink, walked around the old & new city and enjoyed some Turkish cuisine later。 I actually felt like I was on vacation instead going for a trip to Turkey for a hair transplant。 Muslum is a really good host and really a relax guy to hang around with。 At like 6PM we headed back after a nice day of sightseeing & relaxing in Antalya。


3th day (1500 grafts);


So I woke up in the morning and ate some breakfast。 Muslum picked me up and brought me to Dr。 Hakan Doganay。 Again he inspected my hair, and started drawing the hairline again。 We agreed upon 2.5K grafts and opt for a high density because of my thin hair。 Then my hair was shaved, blood was taken for PRP etc。 and I was brought to a room were the extractions began。 All went smooth。 They always made sure I was comfortable and Muslum was there often to make sure If I needed something or had some questions。 After 1500 extractions there was a quick break and Dr。 Hakan Doganay started to implant them all。 However during the implantation (almost halfway through) Muslum said that my grafts were popping out too much if the Dr。 tried to place the hair follicles in a high density。 So I was like damn, and asked Muslum if after all I can stay one day longer and we can split the surgery in 2 days。 Hakan Doganay agreed with me that this was the best option。 I was quite happy anyway because of that, as you see such problems may also arise。 Waiting an extra day would ensure the blood coagulated properly so that popping shouldn’t be an issue anymore。 I still don’t know why it was an issue in my case, perhaps because I was a bit too excited and my blood pressure was higher than normal。 Nonetheless it didn’t matter anyway。 I felt great aside from a brief moment when my anesthesia worked out on my right temple。 I stupidly didn’t ask for extra anesthesia but just bit through the pain which felt like a sort of burning coal on my temple for 15 minutes。 The injections themselves were less painful for me。 After everything was done I was a bit tired though so I just went to my room and relax to prepare for the next day。



4th day (1335 grafts)


Same story, I ate some breakfast and was brought to a room where they started extracting。 They extracted 1335 grafts instead of 1000 grafts to my surprise but I didn’t care。 We took a break and then Dr。 Hakan Doganay started implanting them。 There was no problem of graft popping now, which was obviously very nice to hear。 This day was very comfortable, I learned from the first day and asked for some extra anesthesia on my right temple after the initial one when I felt the burning again。 It immediately relieved the pain and the operation day was comfortable for me。 When all grafts were extracted I headed to my room again for some rest and Muslum kind as he is ordered a big pizza for me and him。 After that I just laid down and went to sleep。




5th day (washing day and leaving)


Woke up had some breakfast again。 Went downstairs to have a wash of my hair。 They basically explained post operative care and gave some stuff。 Paid the remaining of the surgery and was brought to the airport later。




They handled the problems extremely well and always provided me enough options。 They refunded all extra costs I had to make because of this and to my surprise I did not need to pay for the extra 335 grafts, extremely kind。 I can really recommend Dr。 Hakan Doganay and his staff。 Special thanks also to Muslum, he is really a relax kind guy who took care of me and had a real fun day with him in Antalya。 I felt they all tried to put their maximum effort into obtaining the best possible result for me。

That was my story guys, I didn’t go over to much detail because the story would have gotten way too big for that。 If you have any questions about anything, shoot ,them and I will respond to you。 I’ll be also updating this topic with pictures。 Hopefully my result will turn out to be to my expectations。



Graft breakdown 移植详情

Single: 835 区域一:835单位

Double: 1200 区域二:1200单位

Triple: 800 区域三:800单位

Total: 2835 总计:2835单位

Punch size: 0.7mm , 4mm length 打孔的大小:0.7mm , 4mm

Implantation: Choi pen 0.6 & 0.8mm 移植笔的大小:0.6 & 0.8mm

14 days (already shed quite some tiny hairs with scabs)



17 days wet condition right temple;



1。Well。。 Ugly duckling phase has arrived。 Shed most of hairs, recipient still a bit red。 Donor recovering fine, some shockloss and also redness tho。 Btw, some are taken with flash or bright light so might be a bit deceiving looks like I'm almost bald on the top on 1 lol。 Anyway here they are;


Recipient 1 month post-up



Donor 1 month post –up



2。So I'm just at about 5 months now, decided to take some pictures。 Left side seems to be going well。 Right side is a bit lacking and behind as you can see on the picture。 The two pictures are pre-op just the day I had surgery (out of bed look lol)。



Donor has healed awesome (shock loss was pretty big in the beginning)


I think it's going pretty well and it's going to be interesting what the coming months will bring!


I need to stay realistic too as I have extremely fine hair which makes things more difficult。


At the 1 year mark I'll make really good pictures from all angles, and will probably shave down too then!)


Oh btw my scalp is still a bit red for those who are wondering (Caucasian genes I guess)


3。 7 months。 At the 1 year mark I'll make some more detailed pictures also with harsh lightning etc。
