The early summer of my hometown

May, such as ignorant youth, green and astringent, lost the charm of spring, more than a trace of masculinity of summer. Just after the Beginning of Summer this year, I wanted to go out for a walk, but it was a pity that the weather was not beautiful. Looking out of the window, there was a patter of rain floating in the sky. The swishing cold wind stimulated my naked skin through the quiet window lattice, and I couldn't help shivering all over. This makes me miss the early summer of my hometown even more.

In the morning, the bright sun shines on the small pond, the grass is tender and green, and a lot of new buds are drawn. The pool is full of small tadpoles like black beans, and they swim freely with their flexible tails. They have young lotus on their heads, and the small leaves are only as big as the palms of their hands, and the big ones are no bigger than plates. Ye Zi lay flat on the surface of the water, reddish in the green, like a shy girl with a touch of rouge on her face, with crystal drops rolling on it, so clear and bright, like the girl's clever little eyes. The mother frog sitting on the lotus leaf kept croaking, as if calling her children to get up quickly. The pond is full of water and grass, so tender that it shines brightly. Birds and bugs also joined the grand concert, and it became a jubilant world. Even the excited little fish in the deep water jumped out of the water and made a difficult roll in the air, and two or three seconds later they fell into the water with a crash, causing a lot of spray. At this time, the fishing children could not help sticking out their long tongues, but it was a pity that they did not catch it with their hands.

The willow Yiyi gently stroked the bank with its long flowing hair; the tall and straight maple poplar stood on the bank like a giant so that our two children could come together.

At noon, the sun is a little dazzling, the hair is hot, wearing summer clothes, occasionally blowing a gust of wind, suddenly cool to the bone, very comfortable. At that time, my mother always told me to pick some vegetables from the vegetable garden by the river. at this time, there were cucumbers and eggplant in the vegetable garden, but what we liked most was at the end of the vegetable garden-an abandoned wasteland. playing hide-and-seek in waist-deep thatch, the host family went to sea to do business, and this small piece of land has since become a paradise for children. We either lie on it, or lie in the gutter camouflage with weeds, or crawl forward. At this time, we can always see bright cockscomb and rose flowers around us. Although they are surrounded by weeds, they still grow so exuberantly, so beautiful, curly like a chicken crown, so gorgeous, so fat, giving people a feeling of standing out from the crowd. If the cockscomb gives people a bright feeling, then the rose always leisurely exudes a faint fragrance around you, refreshing. Once, a child lay down and fell asleep-but sometimes the rose stung you, causing blood on the surface of your skin, but even so, the children went again a few days later.

At night, by the quiet moonlight, we followed the shadow of the moon along the river. We all compete to step on the shadow of our buddies with our feet in order not to let our opponents get the moon first. As a result, we found that although the moon was close at hand, it was always out of sight, because it was always hidden in the river, so we scrambled to throw it into the water with small clods, hoping that it could jump out of the water like a fish. but contrary to our wishes, the moon broke a pool, and the fragments were constantly rippling in the water. The smartest child, A Liang, thought of a wonderful way to take out a porcelain basin for washing his face from home and fill it with water, so he was the first to get the moon. Everyone envied him and chased him. Finally, in the abuse of his parents, he went back to his room to sleep angrily, but he always woke up with a smile in his dream.

Early summer is stepping on the memory of the hometown, quietly coming, it is passionate, but also affectionate, but also colorful. I love the early summer of my hometown!