Hazy rain

A drop of rain fell on the shoelace and the consciousness was awakened.

He was thrown over like an abandoned jar, and the noise came from the wooden chair and seeped into my skin along the ground.

I feel a little itch in my back, then my thighs. Hiss, if I heard correctly, there was a sound coming from behind, like a red-eyed demon squatting in the grass, just showing part of it.

Is it spying on us?

I turned my head and looked at him collapsed to one side, his face buried in his arms, leaning back. Dyed gray hair like a frightened hedgehog makes me feel like I don't know. He pushed his shoulder, and the other side hovered softly in mid-air.


I looked at him as if I were a tired coffin bearer. I'll rest here. I will light a cigarette and say this solemnly. He said it not only to himself, but also to everyone.

He was wearing a pair of brown trench coat, which was a little old in texture and smelled of defective products. When he tried on the dress in front of the mirror, his face must have been calm, his eyes stiff, his beard set like a jewel in front of his lips and chin, and when he saw the appearance of some people, he withdrew the money to pay in the admiration of the shop assistant.

Did you really take a closer look? If I had been there at that time, I would have questioned like this. But then again, what does it matter if you are not present at that time, or even if you are present and do not say anything? It's just a piece of clothing, and animals are not shy about their fur.

The rain began to fall gradually, and I took the umbrella handed over from behind and held it to my ear. His headband was slightly covered, and the soaked part gradually spread, as if he had been pierced by a giant needle, enjoying something deeper than it was now. The hanging hand flowed Rain Water and converged along the artery to the ground.