Each has its own misfortune and happiness.

Some people say that happiness is difficult to get, because happiness is behind misfortune, it seems to be readily available, but it can never get around the obstruction of misfortune, and can only fantasize about the light of happiness in the darkness of misfortune.

Some people say that happiness is easy to achieve, a smile, a blue sky, a flower. As long as there is a pair of eyes that are good at discovering, happiness is everywhere.

I would like to say that everyone has his own misfortune, need to wait patiently and persist, do not refuse fate and happiness because of misfortune. Happiness may not eliminate misfortune, but at least it can make the world more beautiful and make the rough road of life easier.

Although there are many people in this world who are more unfortunate than us, when we are also trapped in the swamp of misfortune, we have the same sadness, the same despair. Despite the desire for happiness, it has been out of touch with happiness. Maybe at first there was the expectation that miracles would happen, but too many disappointments and unchanged misfortunes finally let this expectation disappear.

We struggle to survive in our own misfortunes. We don't expect to be happy. We just want to escape from the quagmire of misfortune and live in peace. A happy ending is just a lie in a fairy tale, and insipid reality is the greatest comfort to unfortunate people.

Starting from our own misfortune, we trudged through the wind and rain of life with thunderstorms all the way. Along the way, we have met people who are as unfortunate as ourselves, and we have also seen people who are luckier than ourselves, but most of them are just passers-by in our lives, and we still have to bear the baptism of wind and rain alone and go through the test of fate.

In this arduous process, we will meet our own luck: a person who can walk with us until the end of life. Two people hold each other's hands tightly, do not let go of any difficulties, and face them together. Laugh together, comfort each other, and persevere together. Although the wind and rain is still fierce, but when there is a person around him never give up, fatigue, sadness, despair are unconsciously dissipated in the air. Maybe this is the happiness that belongs to us.

Happiness, perhaps does not mean the brilliant sunshine and beautiful rainbow, but even if the wind and rain all the way, the heart is still sunny, two people look forward to the sunny after the wind and rain, work together to get out of the haze of misfortune, together to meet the clear sky behind the dark clouds.

The background of happiness is misfortune.

When I first saw this sentence, I didn't think so. Now, when I met him on an unfortunate road and felt the existence of happiness, I very much agree with this sentence. We have our own misfortune, but fortunately, we are only late and not absent, so that we can be happy. Although it has been very hard along the way, it is this hard work that makes us cherish our present happiness. It can be said that our happiness is a bright color slowly added to the gloom of misfortune.