Hungry for victory, not refusing defeat.

Life turns out to be a ladder of dreams, which can be extended to the moment when dreams come true, as long as you never give up. Failure is to destroy valuable things for people to see; success is to package valuable things for people to see. The secret of success is not afraid of failure and do not forget failure. Frustration turned out to be a cornerstone of success, can build a monument of hope, as long as you never flinch. There is no need to put a sentence: "sunset infinite good, but near dusk" eternal swan song repeatedly taste bitter and only from sadness. The pointer of my life is at eight or nine o'clock, which is the beautiful moment of rising sun. As long as I work hard, every corner of the world will see my figure. Sincerity turns out to be a key to communication, which can open people's closed hearts, as long as you persist in the end. This world, I do not know is not a bit cold, but I would like to use their own meager strength, give each friend feel cool a warm, a ray of light.

There is always dust in life, it is impossible to live every day is transparent crystal clear. Life is not how much success in the cause and focus on what to do well, so, see dense forest, you just have to be worthy of one of the tall and straight. Although it is a tree, it can resist wind and rain. This kind of life is enough. Everyone wants to have their own clarity, everyone wants to have the most pure and good years. Can't you see how peaceful and beautiful the setting sun is? When you see the surging Yangtze River, you only hope to be a crystal drop in the waves; when you see the endless blue sky, you only hope to be a peaceful flower in the clouds. Although it is a drop, it can nourish the seedlings. Although it is a flower, it can decorate the blue sky. We who live between heaven and earth, if we can give our own heat, such as the heroism of the sun; if we can spread our love, such as the beauty of spring flowers, then, life has not lived in vain, love has had true love, and a short life is not just a life. Can't you see how hot the blooming spring flowers are? When the dust covers the dribs and drabs of our lives, when the years cover a thin layer of dust, please learn to smile and gently wipe away the dust, and then return to the clear years.

The human mind is like a container, and it is inevitable that there will be sediment in it over time. Always empty the sediment of the heart, let go when it is time to let go, forget what should be forgotten. Life needs to go back to zero. Every once in a while, you have to clear the past and let yourself start over. Don't let the past become the burden of the present, only by traveling light can you go further. Throw away the baggage of the past, refresh yourself from time to time, so that you will be able to harvest a satisfactory life. There is no need to make young hearts heavy. The vicissitudes on the surface and the seriousness on the outside cannot make you rise to be a philosopher; leaving all your friends, you can only have a lonely back. Since I can't become deep now, I will let myself become relaxed. In order to finally understand what you do not understand, you must travel the path of ignorance. Life learn to follow fate, in order to live freely. Suiyuan is a kind of mind, a maturity, but also a kind of self-confidence and grasp of the heart. When faced with closed doors, losers wait outside with fear and confusion; I silently recite a word and knock. How can those who cry hear the sound of flowers bloom; how can those who disguise themselves understand the excitement of frogs? In order to possess what you never possessed, you must go through the path of deprivation. In order to reach the place where you are not now, you must go through the path where you are not.

Those who follow fate can always find the way forward in adversity and maintain a calm and happy mood. With a heart of fate, you will find that the sky, whether cloudy, or sunny; life on the road, whether bumpy or smooth, always have a calm and tranquil heart. Many times in life, just like a war, we always want to win, but do not refuse to lose. I am no imbecile, and I must constantly resist the forces that would have destroyed me. Disappointment and sadness are obvious, but many other enemies are invisible. They often smile and wave, but they can destroy us at any time. We can never relax our vigilance against them. When ideals are shattered, ideas remain; when opportunities are lost, opportunities remain. Even the painful past is the mark of our existence. We must believe that as long as we persist, we will not be defeated completely.

Time is a magical and ruthless carving knife, creating miracles between heaven and earth. It can split boulders into dust, carve seedlings into trees, and turn deserts into cities and gardens. Of course, it can also make prosperous cities decay into waste and ruins, and make shiny metals covered with rust and tarnish. It carved the wrinkles on old men's foreheads, and painted the ruddy cheeks of young girls. The reproduction of life and the movement of the world are precisely directed by it. The secret of success is not afraid of failure and do not forget failure. Success comes from the purgatory of failure. Success and failure cycle back and forth, constitute a wonderful life. Success and failure are judged not at the beginning but at the end. If life is a beautiful piece of music, then pain is one of the indispensable notes. I am a bee, flying about in the garden of my country, tirelessly brewing sweet honey for my country. I am a pine, in the border of the motherland, proudly standing, showing a solemn posture. If life is an endless sea, then frustration is a sudden upturn of the waves.

Failure is no longer the price of my struggle. It and pain will disappear from my life. If life is a blue sky, then frustration is a floating white cloud. Failure and I, like fire and water, are incompatible. I am a purple swallow, in the blue sky of the motherland, through thousands of households, to the motherland to the people to report spring information; I am a drop of rain, in the wilderness of the motherland, falling from the sky, moistening thirsty seedlings. I will be guided by wisdom out of the shadow of failure, into abundance, health, happiness paradise, these are beyond my dreams. In laughter, everything is revealed. I laugh at my failures, and they will turn into clouds of dreams; I laugh at my successes, and they return to their true colors; I laugh at evil, and they leave me; I laugh at goodness, and they flourish. I want to infect people with my smile, and although my goal is selfish, it is the way to success, because frowning will make customers abandon me. I want to laugh all over the world.