Don't make a face to your parents.

"an old man in a family is like a treasure." We must have heard this before, but we may not agree with it from the bottom of our hearts. The older the old people in the family, the more talkative they are, talking about trivial and repetitive things in life, so almost all children go in one ear and out the other, and they seldom pay attention to it.

We often take it for granted that buying a house, hiring a babysitter and having a big meal is filial piety to our parents. In fact, this is only filial piety at a low level, while the real filial piety should be spiritual and emotional comfort to parents.

It is a simple thing to give parents a good face at any time. You don't need to spend money on a good face, nor do you need to borrow it everywhere, nor do you need to learn. Unfortunately, you can always give your parents a good face, which is something many people can't do. In real life, some people are always polite and gentle outside. However, as soon as I got home, I played an attitude towards my parents, feeling that they always "worry about" everything! If you are really good to your parents, don't put on a bitter face to deal with them, but should let them feel happy and happy.

Which of the parents in the world is not their own children? However, children seldom understand their thoughts. Filial piety is not difficult at all, the most important thing is sincerity! As a matter of fact, parents are very satisfied. A comforting phone call and a word of concern are enough to make parents feel happy and happy, and their sincerity will naturally be pleasant. Therefore, know more about parents and give them a little more spiritual care. Filial piety is not very difficult, is it?

Filial piety comes first!