Feelings, no contact, no more.

No matter how good friends are not in touch for a long time, they will be estranged.

No matter how deep the relationship is, it will fade if you don't maintain it.

You pay less for feelings.

Don't try to gain much.

That's the way life is.

If you want to get it, you have to maintain it.

If you want to last for a long time, you have to think about it later.

Feelings, no contact, no more.

Meet someone you like very much.

To cherish

Because maybe once you let go

That person will leave you.

The relationship is not that when you leave, others will wait for you in place.

In the adult world,

Time is the most expensive

Feelings, no contact, no more.

Love doesn't just have bread.

Did you earn bread and let me give you love?

Women earn their own bread, you just give me love.

Women need confidence.

Vows are not as good as ordinary life.

In addition to the meagre food in front of us, life

There are also aestheticism and romance.

Feelings, no contact, no more.

One ticket for the movie

A coat you like.

Greetings in an autumn day

A lot of phone calls.

Feelings, no contact, no more.

Maybe that's what love is.

When you meet the right person

You will understand that life is very interesting.

Sweetness is just eating together every day.

You will be as sweet as honey.

No quarrel is not love.

There is no difference and can not feel the value of love

But love is still together.

It's company.

I want to spend my whole life.