When you are alone

Always a person to listen to strange songs, take strange roads, see strange scenery.

He told me that working alone, eating alone, and shopping alone, these accustomed lives are probably the process of growing up. Really?

When you are alone, you will think a lot and become sentimental, and life is not Lin Daiyu. I don't want to be so sad, but when I am alone, my thoughts will be taken far away by myself, and then I will think more, think about the past and think about the future.

In the past, I always played with a lot of people, but I didn't think about a lot of things. on the contrary, it was easier to touch the scene when I was alone. Looking at the colorful neon lights in the street, people come and go, but you are alone, do you also want to go home, but also miss those old friends.

She said she didn't want to be alone, she wanted to have a shoulder to lean on, but she was afraid of another person in the world. Sometimes accustomed to one person, one more person feel worried, but will still envy those two people, at least one to rely on. Sense of security is given by yourself, a person can also live a good life. And us, we will always be your support, even if we can not give you the kind of feeling, but we will try our best to fill the gap in your heart.

Some people are always trying to find another person, love themselves before he shows up, and be ready for another person to appear. In the past, I thought I would no longer love, just be a person like this. Maybe some people just show up inadvertently, and then slowly integrate into your life and become a part of your life. And some people may just pass by your world, you do not know each other, too late to know each other missed.

Therefore, I think we should treat everyone around us seriously, he is one person, you are also one person, you can become two people through acquaintance. Every time I listen carefully to the stories told by my friends around me, they are all very interesting, have different experiences and different viewpoints, and I will feel different things with them. Maybe some things are missing in my world. Some emotions and thoughts are the same as them. I can always be their spiritual friend.

In the past, I thought I could manage both friendship and love, but now I find that many things will not be as I wish, and now I will not force or injure myself. Time will leave the most real people, I just need to be good to these people around me.

One day you will thank the people and things you are experiencing now, and they will all mean a lot to you. A person will walk a lot and see a lot of scenery, in fact, what matters is not how far the road is and how beautiful the scenery is, but the process you have come to know and the people you know will also become the scenery in your life.