Father's garden

Father used his wisdom to manage a beautiful garden-the garden is located under the blue sky, the garden is full of vitality, pleasant air, sunshine, harmony of all things.

One day, when the father was about to go on a long journey, he gathered his sons together and said, "my dear children, I will go far away, and I will leave this carefully managed garden to you and your descendants as an everlasting estate." Your brothers should love each other and live in harmony, cherish this garden together, cherish every plant, tree, animal and bird in the garden, do not destroy it, let alone kill Miao, because it is closely related to your lives. This is my command to all your children, and even more to you, keep it in mind; though I am away from here for a while, my words will be written here, and my heart will remain here.

The father went, and his sons, the ancestors of mankind, abided by their father's teachings, loved each other and took good care of the garden. although slash-and-burn cultivation, picking wild vegetables and fruits to satisfy their hunger, they lived a leisurely, carefree life, and died one by one of the ancient pines.

As a generation goes by, the descendants of these ancestors gradually forget the lessons of their ancestors. Materialistic, they began to attack the garden, against the surrounding environment, and wars broke out between people and animals, resulting in the loss of rest in the garden and the tragic death of many innocent creatures in disasters and wars. In ancient times. In modern times. Modern. Generation after generation, there has been a continuous war between people, people and the natural environment. In recent times, contemporary people are still obsessed with attacking the sky in order to satisfy their greed-skyscrapers have sprung up; the belly of the earth has been hollowed out; the mountains have been hollowed out; forests have been cut down and a variety of animals have been lost; to attack the ocean, the water has been polluted, and the life in the sea has been greatly destroyed.

When his father saw the destruction of his painstaking garden and the rebellious ignorance of his children and grandchildren, his heart was bleeding. The muddy Yellow River is his sad tears, the tsunamis everywhere are the anger in his chest, and the constant earthquakes make his painful heart tremble.

Sandstorms, haze, terminal diseases, viruses, all tell us that there is a big problem with human beings. In front of nature, human beings seem to be victorious, but in fact they are completely defeated. But the proud people still do not wake up in the face of the disaster, and become more and more rampant. In rural areas, people kill the beneficial insects and birds in the field arbitrarily for money, so that the sound of frogs stops, the migratory birds disappear, the insect disaster is rampant, and the biological chain has been greatly damaged. Random spraying of highly residual and highly toxic pesticides leads to food pollution, vegetable pollution, water pollution, air pollution, plague, difficult and complicated diseases and terminal diseases become the natural enemies of human beings. In cities, people produce all kinds of fake and shoddy products for money, unplanned destruction and expansion, random discharge of sewage and waste gas, and arbitrary disposal of garbage, resulting in great damage to the atmosphere, loss of blue sky and haze covering the earth.

What good is it for a man to earn the whole world and lose his life? Who can save himself? Who can save their loved ones? Who can save our future generations? Money is unreliable, and we have to rely on ourselves.

Father said: wake up! Children, start with yourselves, plant a tree, plant a piece of grass, release a bird, protect the environment, and restore the natural color of the earth. I give you a happy paradise again, so that you and your descendants may prosper and multiply here.

I fell asleep on my father's heart. In my sleep, I was in a beautiful garden. The sky is so blue, the clouds are so white, the mountains are so green, the water is so green, the birds sing so cheerfully, the fish are so fluttering and shallow, the land is so soft and fertile, and the fragrance of grain is so refreshing. The grass is green and colorful, bees and butterflies dance, there is no dispute between people and animals, everyone is harmonious, all things are harmonious, how beautiful it is! My father smiled and said to me, "this is your future home for mankind." I exclaimed: my home is so beautiful that I don't want to wake up in a dream.

The sound of birdsong woke me up from my dream. I opened my eyes and saw that the primrose flew back, the pigeon flew back, and the magpie flew back.

Author: Zi Mu