It is more important to win over yourself than to beat others.

Put up with loneliness before you become a master

Character determines fate. I am an introverted, quiet, strong person in the heart, some people call me a "lonely master".

My dream when I was a child was to be a painter. I began to learn painting at the age of 3. At that time, my parents went to work and locked me at home for fear that it would not be safe for me at home. I locked me at home for a whole day, while I stayed at home quietly and painted for the whole day. Since then, I have formed the habit of solitude and meditation. So far, I don't have many friends. If there are many friends, it is inevitable to socialize, and it is necessary to go into noisy public places and get in touch with all kinds of people, which not only takes up my time to practice, but also does not accord with my personality. I stay at home alone to read books, watch funny DVDs, eat snacks, and occasionally go shopping with my mother. When there is a lot of pressure, practicing yoga, meditating quietly and listening to relaxed music to reduce stress is the state of my leisure life that I enjoy very much.

Now think about it, quiet people are really suitable to be professional billiards players, because playing billiards requires a lot of concentration, concentration, patience, impatience, and psychological stability. And I have all these. Nowadays, there are not many people who can stand loneliness, and I am one of them. So, put up with loneliness before you become a master. A good state of mind is a prerequisite for success.

It is more important to win over yourself than to beat others.

Not long ago, I was playing in the US Open with Allison? The game that Fisher played was unforgettable for the rest of my life.

I have played against the number one player in the world twice, and my past record of one win and one defeat allowed me to play light in the competition. When the game reached an 8-8 draw in the final set, the situation was good for me, but I didn't seize the opportunity. In addition, the home of the game is in the United States, and the Americans certainly want their players to win, so when I hit the key shot, the organizers suddenly announced that the audience could change tickets to leave the game, and as a result, some spectators began to move around the court. This chaos affected my mood, and I finally lost the game that could have won.

After the game, I was very depressed! I have competed with Allison, the world's top player, to the end, but because of my mistakes, I failed to beat my idol, which I can not forgive myself. That night, I had complete insomnia. When I spoke to my father, I said, "I will remember this game for the rest of my life!" When I couldn't sleep, I relived a story: a girl was walking in an endless swamp, but she got lost. The clever girl did not panic, but followed the footprints she left all the way back to the place where she started, and began to try a new route. Finally, she left the boundless swamp. This story once again urges me that even if I lose a game, as long as I can find mistakes and deficiencies in it, I can always go back to where I started.

It is impossible for everything to go smoothly. It is good to leave footprints along the way and find the way to come. After this incident, I thought that maybe it is more important for people to win over themselves than to win over others.

To bear hardships is to be a man at the top of the pyramid.

My colleague once said: "it is expected that Xiao Ting Pan can achieve what she is today." Perhaps, they know that my efforts are unmatched by ordinary people.

I started practicing in my father's gym at the age of 15 and stayed for four years. There is a small room in the stadium, in which a single bed and a wardrobe are all my possessions. During those four years, my father made it a hard rule for me to practice 8 to 12 hours a day, no weekends, and only half a day off a week. Even if I am ill, I will take an intravenous drip in the hospital in the morning and return to the arena in the afternoon to make up for the practice time of the day.

In the past, my family was short of money, so my father accompanied me to Beijing to participate in the race, so we took the train all the way from Jining, Shandong Province to Beijing. In Beijing, because we have no money, my father and I can only live in the basement for 18 yuan a night. The basement was dark and damp, and you could smell the pungent mildew by pushing the door. When we won the national championship for the first time, the bonus was only 4000 yuan. In order to keep flowing, my father and I ordered only half of the roast duck in Quanjude. Looking at the half-fragrant roast duck, I cried bitterly. I put up with all this. Because, when I started touching clubs when I was 15, my father said that if you want to do your best, you have to give more and sacrifice more than others. My father worked as a national football player and basketball referee, then became a cook and was rated as the first-class cook of Lulite. My father wanted me to be like him, either I didn't do it, but I had to be at the top of the pyramid if I wanted to do it. In order to achieve this goal, people practice for three hours, and I have to practice for several more hours, so that I can catch up with others. Therefore, can not bear this suffering, can not bear this sin, give up as soon as possible, find another way out; however, once you choose this path, want to succeed, suffering has become the most basic preparation. It depends on whether people have the tolerance to suffering or not. People with strong tolerance can taste the joy of success sooner or later.